Tuesday 6 July 2010

Dubrovnik: Way In

Sometimes when you fly into Dubrovnik you get a glimpse of the town, but the general impression is often of gleaming water set by rugged mountains.  
The taxi ride is the best part. 20-30 minutes long, you wind through small villages on a winding road that occasionally lets you see through the trees and the coastline ahead of you. Pulling past a sign for the Hotel Astarea, you know that you are in Mlini and that you haven't been paying attention to the road signs. Then, far above the town you see Lokrum, the island just off the town that broke off from the land a while ago. Now you start swinging left and right, descending to the walls. Suddenly you make a left and you're running alongside them. You stop at Ploce gate; there are no cars in the Old Town. Saint Blaise meets you on top of every archway as you walk down and eventually onto Stradun, the thoroughfare that bisects Dubrovnik.
I walk down, turn right, and take out my keys.

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