Thursday 15 July 2010

Beach Dreams

When you fall asleep in the heat the day you can have really strange dreams.  This one was strange enough I'm going to write about.

I was in London with my sister and her friends, at home.  We were watching TV, my parents were out, and we had to order dinner.  Since I was going to see friends, my sister said she would call the curryhouse in time for my arrival back home.  

So I went out, did some shopping, and ended up meeting some mates along Holland Park.  Somehow I ended up in the my friend's mother's Land Rover, where my shopping got mixed up with hers.  Amongst the group was a friend from America.  He was constantly vomiting. 

I got separated and locked in the car until my friend and his mother got in.  I could not speak until we were in the middle of nowhere, where they kindly let me out.  

I wandered until dawn, when I found myself at a boarding school that seemed to think I was a pupil, or at least an exchange.  I saw a friend there I met on an actual exchange I went on a few years ago.  He was still cool.

The Headmistress called me in.  She was not cool.  Having made plain to me all the constraints I was under, I suddenly could not speak.  Again.  I was trapped in a staff meeting but eventually escaped.  

I spoke to countless students and eventually got directions to a train station.  After several hours I hit on a small commuter town.  While asking for directions to double check where I was headed I dropped my wallet down a trashcan.  I was getting help when there was a flash and I was suddenly at the train station.  I immediately checked my bag and thankfully the wallet was in there, so I shoved it into my pocket.  I still had all my shopping.  

I looked up at the train map but nothing made any sense.  I literally did not know the name of a single station.  The staff wanted nothing to do with me, but I had to keep asking people, despite everyone ignoring me.  One woman even wailed "No, no, no" when I approached her.  

Running out of options, I decided to get on a train and take my chances.  On the platform I could see the sky.  It was dark once again.  There were some Texans there, apparently enrolled at a technical college nearby, who were stoking a confrontation with some Englishmen on the other side.  Not wanting to be associated with them, I turned and began strolling back to the other end and the stairs from which I came.  

As I turned I noticed a woman get down on the tracks and begin to crawl across.  It was the same woman who had cried "No, no no" at me.  I flicked my head up to see a train bearing down on her, not 30 feet away. 

My stroll turned into a run as I made for the stairs.  I knew what would happen and I did not want to be there for it.  Just as I leaped up the first three I heard a thump, and then a soft spray on the back of my neck.  There were audible splats from the platform behind.  

I made it up the first flight where a woman, one who had run away from me earlier, stood shaken and watching out of a window.

"Happen?" she asked.

"It happened, it happened," I said.  Then I grabbed her and we headed up and away from the platform, back into the station.  

Suddenly, I was in a flat in Paddington.  I was surrounded by people I did not know, and they were all doing drugs.

A flash, and I woke up.

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