Wednesday 15 June 2011

Tasting London

My brother and I will tomorrow be going to Regent's Park to eat egregious amounts of food as restaurants from around this greatest of cities (I say that without bias but with true feeling) show off their wares.
We have our tickets booked, and obviously (cliche coming) cannot wait.
Apparently Le Gavroche has a stand. Right now that is my favorite restaurant. Granted, Ihave not been to Alinea in Chicago, but I will. However, I have been to The Gage - a great place opposite the Art Institute on South Michigan (in Chicago, IL) and it is fantastic, as is/was the wine list/sommelier. I went several times.

However, what The Gage was trying to do was haute cuisine pub food (incidentally, pubs are English, not Irish, unless you are in a country that is neither of those two).
So tomorrow I am going to be looking for the best of that English (not Irish) food - savory tastes that only the most unadulterated of palates can truly enjoy. I'll leave the sweets to the pathetic whose parents fed them sherbet and Coca-cola.

I'm a big lad, and I can force a lot of food down me. My brother, to some, looks scrawny (he's built), looks weak (he's strong), or looks meek (he is vicious and tough). I can put it away, but there is a limit.

For him, there is simply none. I can't wait.

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