Saturday, 28 August 2010

Party at St. Blaise

Sorry for the delay, a short holiday away from the computer screen.

This summer in the Old Town there has been occasional street parties. This is one based on the steps of the Church of St. Blaise.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Fort Lovrjenac

 A major defensive outpost against attacks from the Republic's rivals, most famously the Venetians.  Opposite the fort is a waterway under the walls through which a traitor once led enemy soldiers into the city when the main street, Stradun, was still a canal.

In more modern times it is best-known as a performance venue, once showing Hamlet with Lawrence Olivier in the lead role.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Morgan Freeman

In town for the Dubrovnik Film Meeting, Freeman greeted the crowds outside a screening of the film 'Invictus', before heading off to a private party. 

One fan insisted on handing him her card.

Monday, 2 August 2010

The Gaffe

An Irish pub run by a Liverpudlian called Alan.  

If you want a fry-up, burger, chips (fries), vinegar on your chips (fries), a bacon sandwich, HP sauce on your bacon sandwich, go here.  

For cider, Guinness or any good pint, go here.  

If you want sport, most definitely go here.